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Unhiding The Hidden

About US

Leading Digital and Network Security 

With our innovative and insightful technology, we strive to achieve excellency in digital monitoring and network security. Founded in 2018, it became incorporated under the company Act of 2002 with registration No: 157236857. Our incredible team of engineers, programmers, designers and marketing experts have worked tirelessly to bring CYSEC to the forefront of the technology industry.

In order to provide excellent solutions, we dedicate time and resources to research the market needs and our users’ habits and motives. We have, and will continue to work tirelessly to become the technological standard, providing big picture insights and security which industry leaders not only approve of, but also depend on. 

Typing on a Computer

Our Services

Easy. Fast. Secure.

At CYSEC, we believe that our solutions will soon become one of the biggest segments in the technology industry. We know that every solution we provide requires hard-earned skills, dedication and a daring attitude.   


Thus, we offer:

  • Digital media security

  • System security audit

  • System vulnerability assessment

  • Digital forensic

  • Digital media monitoring

  • Technology assurance and advisory

  • System installation​​​  

Computer Processor
Stand Up Meeting

"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm"

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Get in Touch

P.O. Box 31668 Dar es Salaam


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